Federal Court Decisions

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Date: 20030110

Docket: T-1281-01

Neutral citation: 2003 FCT 16


                                                            FRANK G. ROBERTSON



                                          THE MINISTER OF NATIONAL REVENUE



                         Let the attached edited version of the transcript of my Reasons for Order delivered orally                                        from the bench at Halifax, Nova Scotia on December 17, 2002, be filed to comply with Section                             51 of the Federal Court Act.

                                                            < < Carolyn A. Layden-Stevenson > >




                                                                                                                    COURT FILE NO. T-1281-01

                                                                                                                     Neutral citation: 2003 FCT 16


                              FEDERAL COURT - TRIAL DIVISION


                                    FRANK G. ROBERTSON


                                          - and -

                             THE MINISTER OF NATIONAL REVENUE



                                      ORAL DECISION


          HEARD BEFORE: The Honourable Madam Justice C. Layden-Stevenson

          PLACE HEARD:    Halifax, Nova Scotia

           DATE HEARD:     Tuesday, December 17, 2002

          COUNSEL:        Mr. John P. Bodurtha

                          Solicitor for the Respondent


                                        Recorded By:

                             Drake Recording Services Limited

                                    1592 Oxford Street

                                   Halifax, Nova Scotia

                                          B3H 3Z4

                           Per: Trisha Egan, Verbatim Reporter

THE COURT - ( ORALLY FROM THE BENCH )                                                    

                     The applicant, Frank Robertson applies for judicial

                     review of the decision of the Minister of National

                     Revenue, as determined by the ministerial

                     delegate, the Director of Tax Services, Halifax office,

                     Canada Customs and Revenue Agency, which I will refer

                     to as CCRA. The Decision relates to subsection

                     220(3.1) of the Income Tax Act commonly referred to as

                     the fairness provision. At the outset of the hearing,

                     the applicant withdrew all of the various relief

                      requested in his application save and except the

                     request that the impugned decision be set aside and be

                     referred back for redetermination. Also, at the outset

                     of the hearing, the applicant informed the Court that

                     he had uncovered an alternate route to pursue with

                     respect to waiver of the penalties assessed regarding

                     late filing of his tax returns. Although counsel for

                     the respondent Minister understood, as a result of

                     discussions with CCRA late last week, that a decision to

                     waive the applicable penalties had been made, in fact,

                     as of today, the team leader in the Halifax office

                     confirmed to counsel that no final decision has been

                     taken with respect to the penalties. Hence, this


                     judicial review relates both to the interest and

                     penalties regarding the applicant's tax returns for

                     1998 and 1999. The facts, stated summarily, are that the

                     applicant did not file his tax return in 1998. On May

                     7th, 2000, he mailed his 1998 and 1999 returns along

                     with correspondence wherein he explained the financial

                     difficulties he had encountered as a result of the

                     loss of his employment in November, 1997 and his

                     subsequent sporadic employment until October, 1999,

                     when he obtained the position that he continues to

                     hold. After receipt of his notices of assessment for

                     1998 and 1999, the applicant on October 29th, 2000,

                     applied for a waiver of interest and penalties under

                     the fairness provision of the Income Tax Act and

                     proposed a repayment schedule for his outstanding

                     taxes. His request was denied by correspondence dated

                     April 30th, 2001, from the team coordinator, Revenue

                     Collections. The applicant requested a further

                     independent review and received a negative decision

                     from the Director dated June 12th, 2001. It is this

        latter decision that is the subject of this application for

                    judicial review. The relevant portions of the decision of

                    the ministerial delegate state:


                          "I have fully considered all the information

                          submitted in your letter. I have also

                          reviewed the information contained in the

                          original request. The Canada Customs and

                          Revenue Agency, CCRA, has the discretion to

                          cancel or waive all or part of properly

                          assessed penalty and interest. Discretion

                          will generally be exercised if the client has

                          not complied with the Income Tax Act due to

                          extraordinary circumstances beyond his

                          control. Extraordinary circumstances include

                           natural or human made disasters, civil

                          disturbances or disruptions in service,

                          serious illness or accident or serious

                          emotional or mental distress due to errors or

                           delays by the CCRA or when there is an

                          inability to pay amounts owing. As your

                          correspondence does not indicate that you

                          were prevented from filing the returns on

                           time, I regret to inform you that this is not

                          a case in which it would be appropriate to

                          cancel the late filing penalties. In                 

                          addition, our records indicate that you had

                          accumulated additional consumer debt in

                          December, 2000. In such situations, the

                          cancellation of interest charges is not

                           usually granted."

                     The issue is whether the Minister has properly

                     exercised his discretion with regard to relevant

                     considerations and without regard to erroneous factors.

                     See: GoldMaker v.Canada,( Minister of National Revenue)

       (2000), 2 C.T.C. 149 ( F.C.T.D.) The standard of review is

       patent unreasonableness: Chan v. Her Majesty

                     The Queen (2001), D.T.C. 5575 (F.C.A.)and Sharma v.

        Minister of National Revenue(2001)D.T.C. 5360 (F.C.T.D.)

        As stated earlier, the letter of refusal provides the


reasons for the refusal. The Director, in his affidavit

sworn September 20th, 2001, deposes at paragraph 7 that he

                                                   considered the following factors: (a) the request made

            by the applicant and the reasons therefore; (b) the fact

that the applicant did not indicate he was prevented from

filing his income tax returns on time; (c) the applicant

has accumulated additional consumer debt in December, 2000;

                                                   (d)the financial hardship was not such that warranted the

                                                   cancellation of penalties and interest, and (e) the

                                                   guidelines established in Information Circular 92-2 and

                                                   Internal Directive ARD 9201 dated April 16th, 1992 were

                                                   not met in these circumstances.

Regarding paragraph(b),the use of the word "prevented", at

first blush, would appear to mean circumstances outside the

                                                   applicant's control. However, when viewed in

                                                   conjunction with the Director's report dated June 12th,

                                                   2001, the meaning to be attributed to "prevented" is

                                                   not so clear. In the second paragraph of his report

                                                   the Director states:

                                                  "The client filed both his 1998 and 1999

                                                  returns on May 18th, 2000. No reasons have

                                                  been given for filing late."

                                                   The applicant, in fact, provided detailed reasons for

                                                   the failure to file his returns in his correspondence

                                                   to CCRA dated October 29th, 2000. It may well be that

                                                   the Director did not consider these reasons to be

                                                   sufficient. However, in the face of his statement

                                                   that no reasons were given, I cannot say that the

                                                   reasons were considered, let alone found to be


With respect to paragraph(c), additional consumer debt,

                                                   the refusal letter specifically states:

                                                  "In addition, our records indicate that you

                                                  had accumulated additional consumer debt in

                                                  December, 2000. In such situations, the

                                                  cancellation of interest charges is not

                                                  usually granted."

                                                 This finding of fact is erroneous. The record clearly

                                                   indicates that there was not additional debt, but a debt

                                                   consolidation. The applicant provided all of the

                                                   supporting documentation regarding the loan

                                                   consolidation in correspondence to CCRA dated February

                                                   20th, 2001. Indeed, the Director in his report dated

                                                   June 12th, 2001, refers specifically to the payouts made

                                                   by the applicant. The comments contained in the Director's

                                                   report fly in the face of his affidavit and the reason

delineated in his refusal letter and are contradictory.

There is an additional statement in the Director's report


            indicating a reported expense of $100.00 for recreation on


                                                   the applicant's income and expense statement. Although

                                                   nothing turns on this, it, too, is an erroneous finding

                                                   because the applicant allocated $50.00 per month for

            recreation, not $100.00


            Attached to the Director's affidavit are the

                                                   notations of CCRA officers containing recommendations

                                                   not to apply discretion in favour of the applicant.

                                                   One such notation on June 5th states:

                                                  "Interest is not the reason for the hardship.

                                                  Taxpayer made decisions not to borrow and pay

                                                  tax arrears, paying other creditors while

                                                  ignoring tax obligations."

                                                   The evidence indicates that the applicant did attempt

                                                   to borrow the money to pay the tax arrears. A second

                                                   notation on June 5th, 2001 contains the following


                                                  "Agree with above comments, large unsecured

                                                  credit balances, Visa, etc. are the cause of

                                                  any hardship."

                                                   In fact, the applicant had consolidated his loans in

                                                   December, 2000. There were no unsecured credit

                                                   balances as of the date of the notation. There

                                                   was merely the one consolidated loan with Canada Trust

                                                   that has been referred to previously.


                                                   With respect to the Director's finding that financial

                                                   hardship was not such that warranted the cancellation of

                                                   penalties and interest, the applicant argues that the CCRA

                                                   erred in its finding that he had $1,100.00 surplus monthly

                                                   income. The Director found that the applicant was not

                                                   suffering financial hardship and that he had a surplus of

                                                   monthly income. In his report, he states:

                                                  "The client repeatedly mentions in his

                                                  correspondence that his net monthly income

                                                  for a family of six is below the poverty

                                                  line. However, based on the client's income

                                                  for 2000 on DD.3 and his expenses, the client

                                                  has a monthly surplus of $800.00 after his monthly                           payment of $300.00 to CCRA."

The applicant calculates his surplus at $80.96 per

                                                   month. The document relied upon by the Director is

            contained in the record but there is nothing to indicate

                                                   how the calculations were completed. The Director was not,

                                                   on cross-examination, able to enlighten the applicant

                                                   in this regard, nor could counsel provide assistance at

                                                   the hearing. In my view, the applicant is entitled to

                                                   know where the calculations came from or how they were

                                                   arrived at.

                                                   I am mindful of the comments of my colleague, Rouleau,J.

                                                   in Kaiser v. The Minister of National Revenue, (1995), 93

                                                   F.T.R. 66 and I quote those comments for the benefit of the

                                                   Director in this case:

                                                  "The purpose of this legislative provision is

                                                  to allow Revenue Canada Taxation to

                                                   administer the tax system more fairly by

                                                  allowing for the application of common sense

                                                  in dealing with taxpayers who, because of

                                                  personal misfortune or circumstances beyond

                                                  their control, are unable to meet deadlines

                                                  or comply with rules under the tax system.

                                                  The language used in the section bestows a

                                                 wide discretion on the Minister to waive or

                                                  cancel interest at any time. To assist in

                                                  the exercise of that discretion, policy

                                                  guidelines have been formulated and are set

                                                  out in Information Circular 92-2."


                                                   I refer to that primarily because, and I don't mean

                                                   to imply that the Director has acted in bad             

                                                   faith or anything of that nature, but I do refer to

                                                   paragraph 7(e) of his affidavit, and it would appear

                                                   to me that, certainly on its face, it appears that

                                                   the Director has attempted to place the applicant into

                                                   pigeon-holed criteria cited in the guidelines and

                                                   the directive, notwithstanding that it is specifically

                                                   stated that they are not intended to be exhaustive. The

                                                   comments of Justice Rouleau are enlightening in that

                                                   regard. In any event, and not withstanding those

                                                   comments, I am also mindful that the Court is not to

                                                   substitute its findings or its opinion for those of the

                                                   ministerial delegate and, while that is so, neither is

                                                   it the Court's function to speculate on what the

                                                   Director's ultimate decision might have been but for

                                                   the erroneous findings of fact.

Here, the Director made erroneous findings of fact that,

in my view, taint the decision. The reasons, particularly

those that relate to the late filing of the returns, do not

                                                   adequately explain the Director's position. In the

                                                   circumstances, this decision is patently unreasonable.

                                                   The application for judicial review is allowed. The

                                                   decision dated June 12th, 2001 is set aside and the

                                                   matter is remitted back for reconsideration.

                MR. BODURTHA

                                                   Thank you, Madam Justice.

                MR. ROBERTSON

                                                   Thank you, Madam Justice.

                             CERTIFICATE OF VERBATIM REPORTER

                I, Sandy Adam, Certified Verbatim Reporter, hereby certify

                that I have transcribed the foregoing and that it is a true

                and accurate transcript of the evidence given in this matter

                FRANK G. ROBERTSON (Applicant) and THE MINISTER OF NATIONAL

                REVENUE (Respondent), taken by way of electronic recording

                pursuant to Section 15 of the Court Reporters Act.


                              Sandy Adam

                              Certified Verbatim Reporter

                Sunday, January 5, 2003 at Halifax, Nova Scotia

                                                    FEDERAL COURT OF CANADA

                                                                 TRIAL DIVISION

                              NAMES OF COUNSEL AND SOLICITORS OF RECORD

DOCKET:                                             T-1281-01

STYLE OF CAUSE:                           Frank G Robertson


The Minister of National Revenue

PLACE OF HEARING:                     Halifax, Nova Scotia

DATE OF HEARING:                       December 17, 2002

REASONS FOR ORDER :             Madam Justice Layden-Stevenson

DATED:                                                January 10, 2003


Frank G. Robertson                                                                        FOR APPLICANT

John Bodurtha                                                                               FOR RESPONDENT


no one                                                                                            FOR APPLICANT

Morris Rosenberg                                                                           FOR RESPONDENT

Deputy Attorney General of Canada

Justice Canada Atlantic Regional Office

1400- 5251 Duke Street

Halifax, Nova Scotia

B3J 1P3

 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.