Federal Court Decisions

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Date: 20051130

Docket: P-65-92

Citation: 2005 FC 1625










[1]                This is an appeal pursuant to s. 40 of the Plant Protection Act, S.C. 1990, c. 22 (the "Act") regarding the disposition of the Appellant's claim (and arguably that of his father's) under the Act and the Plant Quarantine Regulations of May 27, 1991, SOR/91-345.

[2]                Compensation was claimed for loss arising from the destruction by Agriculture Canada of four varieties of his seed potatoes and for the loss of sales which were contracted for prior to the imposition of the quarantine on PEI's 1990 potato crop. The claim stems from the federal and provincial governments' program to eradicate the tobacco veinal necrosis strain of potato virus Y (commonly called "PVYn").

[3]                The Appellant raises two issues in this appeal:

·                     Whether the compensation paid was reasonable as required under the Act; ("Compensation Calculation")

·                     Whether the Appellant's appeal encompasses the losses from his father's (Gordon) land and land owned together with his father. ("Number of Appellants")


[4]                The Appellant, James B. Rodd ("Rodd") was a farmer living in North Milton, PEI, where he was engaged in the business of growing and selling seed potatoes. He says that he and his father farmed their potato lots together for a number of years. Rodd had four (4) lots in his own name, two (2) were jointly held and one (1) was in his father's name. Each lot had approximately 24 hectares; and had their own respective producer number.

[5]                In October 1990, Rodd and his father received a Notice of Infested Place which quarantined each of the lots. The Notice was addressed to both Gordon and James B. Rodd as "owner/occupant".

[6]                As a result of the quarantine order, Rodd and his father were required to compost all the seed potatoes in their bins and they were unable to fulfil the seed potato delivery contracts into which Rodd had entered.

[7]                The Appellant was among many farmers affected in eastern Canada, when Agriculture Canada, in cooperation with provincial governments, adopted a program in 1990 to eradicate PVYn. A quarantine regime was adopted which effectively eliminated almost all potato deliveries from Prince Edward Island.

[8]                As a result of the devastating effect that the quarantine regime had on the potato industry, federal and provincial officials, in consultation with representatives of growers, set up an arrangement for compensation for those who had suffered loss. The compensation scheme was enacted in the Plant Quarantine Regulations. These Regulations went through three revisions in a relatively short period - for purposes of this appeal, SOR 91/345 is the applicable version.

[9]                There was some evidence that the whole program of PVYn eradication and compensation had numerous problems. The Appellant played a prominent role in challenging the respective governments on many issues arising from its program. None of that evidence is particularly relevant to this appeal except as background. Suffice it to say that some farmers were not happy with the eradication program, the science used to support it, the administration of the compensation, and the ultimate payouts made under the compensation scheme.

[10]            The Appellant applied, he says on behalf of himself and his father, for compensation, as provided in the Regulations. Mr. Gary Paynter, an employee of the federal government, who administered this aspect of the program, dealt with the Appellant's claim. Fortunately, he was also available to testify fourteen years later in these proceedings.

[11]            For ease of reference, the applicable sections of the Regulations are attached as Appendix A to these Reasons.

[12]            The Appellant was considered to be a "new grower" for purposes of the Regulations. Since there was no history of prior sales in respect of new growers upon which compensation could be based, the Regulations compensated new growers for actual lost sales for which there were contracts (oral or written) in 1990/91. The Regulations also compensated for the seed potatoes which could not be produced on the basis that one (1) hectare of potatoes would produce 500 hundred weight of seed potatoes ("500 cwt/ha").

[13]            For purposes of this case, only part of the calculation method is relevant. In calculating compensation, the Respondent established a format applicable to all applicants for compensation. The first part of the calculation was the determination of number of hectares actually planted. Compensation was based on a specified amount per planted hectare (e.g. $2,300.00) depending on the type of potato planted (e.g. Foundation seed - Conestoga).

[14]            For new growers, the format required insertion of the total cwt of the potato type contracted for in 1990/91. This was then divided by the assumed production per hectare of 500 cwt resulting in a notional computation of the number of hectares planted - which may or may not accord with the number of hectares planted if the grower had agreed to sell more potatoes than the assumed hectares planted could yield under the Regulations.

[15]            The problem in this case was the understanding of the operation of this 500 cwt/ha assumed yield. When the calculation of compensation was based on lost sales, the Respondent considered that no matter the total sales of seed potatoes for which there were contracts, the maximum a new grower could obtain was that grower's actual hectares planted (converted to cwt) divided by 500 cwt/ha assumed yield. Under no circumstances could the compensation exceed the amount based on hectares planted regardless of the actual sales for which there were contracts.

[16]            The Respondent interpreted the Regulations in a manner which capped the compensation on the assumption of the assumed yield per hectare actually planted.

[17]            The Appellant was unhappy with the compensation received and took the matter to a Review Committee established as a first stage of review of compensation awarded. The compensation was upheld in part with some increases permitted. The matter now comes before me as a Assessor under the Act.

[18]            This appeal has taken a long time to surface. The record suggests that only when the Respondent suggested moving to strike the appeal, did the matter move along. In some sense, this move was equivalent to waking the sleeping giant. It was at that time that the Appellant says he became aware that his appeal did not include the joint lots with his father and that of his father's own lot. It is also as a result that the Respondent has recognized an error in the manner in which compensation was calculated.


Re: Compensation Calculation

[19]            There were a number of appeals heard in the early to mid 1990s. In Smith v. Canada(Minister of Agriculture), [1993] F.C.J. No. 859, Mr. Justice MacKay reviewed the interpretation and application of the Regulations in respect of seed potatoes.

[20]            Justice MacKay held that the compensation application form was in error. The method of calculation for new growers did not limit the compensation to the number of hectares planted. The Regulations provided for compensation for the amount of potatoes contracted for sale, expressed as the number of hectares of potatoes sold.

[21]            Justice MacKay recognized that this formula could effectively result in a farmer being paid for more hectares than he had planted. Mr. Paynter had understood the Regulations to have capped the compensation such that this result would not occur.

[22]            The Respondent has conceded that the Appellant's compensation was not calculated in accordance with the Regulations as interpreted by Justice MacKay. Whether this concession applies to other claimants and whether this re-opens the whole compensation process for new growers has not been put before the Court.

[23]            As a result, this matter will be referred back to the Minister for reconsideration in accordance with these Reasons. It makes no practical sense to have the Assessor set compensation, particularly as there will be some new facts, including the number of contracts, which must be considered.

Re: Number of Appellants

[24]            The next issue is whether such review should include the lots jointly owned with the Appellant's father (and if so, whether only in respect of the Appellant's interests) and the lot owned by the father. Gordon Rodd is now deceased and the Appellant claims that he is one of the executors of his will.

[25]            The Respondent has raised the question of whether, on judicial review, an assessor can take account of new evidence and argument on this or, presumably, on any other issue.

[26]            The powers of an assessor, under s. 41 of the Act, not only include the traditional judicial review remedies of confirmation or referral back to the Minister, but also include the power to vary the Minister's disposition. A similar power exists under the Pesticide Residue Compensation Act. The Rules of Procedure governing the assessor appeals (SOR/87-65) include the power to admit documents and hear viva voce evidence.

[27]            From both the legislation and the rules, I conclude that this proceeding is judicial review with a difference - if it is judicial review or an appeal at all. In my view, the assessor has the power to consider the matter de novo and may either recalculate the compensation or refer it back to the Minister for recalculation based on facts as found by the assessor or refer a matter back for complete reconsideration.

[28]            The evidentiary record on the issue of whether the appeal from the Minister's determination included both James and Gordon Rodd's claims is somewhat skimpy. The appeal letter, the document which initiated this process, is signed only by Rodd and is phrased in terms of the singular - "I" and "my" - when expressing dissatisfaction and intent to appeal. Moreover, the claims were advanced separately under three grower numbers; one for Rodd; one for the joint interest; and one for his father. This indicates very separate legal interest.

[29]            The Respondent takes the very reasonable position that since May 1992, this appeal has stood in Rodd's name only. The Appellant took no steps to advance the appeal, and never referenced his father's interests in any appeal documents. The Appellant explains this omission as an error in his assumption that he was appealing throughout on behalf of both himself and his father.

[30]            However, the Appellant testified as to how he and his father farmed jointly and cooperatively. They had adjoining land, they rotated their fields together as a common unit of production, and used common equipment in their combined operations. Perhaps most telling is the fact that the quarantine order was issued against both of them together at the same time in the same document.

[31]            Rodd explained that his father was not a public man; that relations with customers and governments were handled by the son. He also testified that he considered that he was making the appeals at all levels on behalf of the two of them and that only when the Respondent moved to strike this appeal did he learn that his appeal was being treated as his own and that this father's interests had been excluded.

[32]            There is documentary evidence which corroborates the joint nature of the appeal. The first challenge to the compensation, dealt with by a Review Committee, was filed in the joint names. The Committee treated that appeal as a joint matter, as evidenced by the correspondence from the Committee.

[33]            Against this background, the appeal to the assessor process from the Review Committee decision is an anomaly as it is phrased in the singular. There is no separate appeal document filed on behalf of the father.

[34]            Given that the father was aware of the appeal process and the fact that the son had carriage of their joint appeal at the Review Committee level, it seems highly unlikely that the father would have abandoned his appeal rights. I consider it more consistent that the actions of the son were to include the interests of the father; that that had been the intention of both of them.

[35]            This issue of joint appeals could have been more problematic if this appeal had not been reopened and Rodd's appeal referred back because it had not been determined in accordance with the Regulations as interpreted by Justice MacKay.

[36]            Therefore, I conclude that the Minister shall, in reconsidering the Rodd appeal, calculate the compensation for both father and son individually and jointly as the circumstances dictate.


[37]            The Appellant asks that he be awarded costs on a full indemnity basis. He asks that he receive reimbursement for his representative's costs of approximately $17,000 - $18,000. The Respondent suggests something in the range of $1,000.

[38]            The Appellant must bear some responsibility for the way in which this appeal was handled. The Respondent must also accept some responsibility for not knowing earlier that it had erred in its compensation calculation. The Appellant cannot obtain greater costs than if he had retained counsel; indeed a representative is not counsel. However, these proceedings were facilitated by the Appellant not representing himself and having someone lead his evidence, cross-examine and make argument.

[39]            Therefore, the Appellant having been successful, I assess costs including disbursements to be set at $3,500.00 as a lump sum award in favour of the Appellant.


[40]            The appeal shall be allowed and the matter referred back to the Minister to be redetermined on the basis of the record as may be supplemented and to be decided in accordance with the decision of Justice MacKay and in a manner consistent with these Reasons.

"Michael L. Phelan"




DOCKET:                                           P-65-92

STYLE OF CAUSE:                           James B. Rodd


                                                            The Minister of Agriculture

PLACE OF HEARING:                     Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island

DATE OF HEARING:                       November 21 and 22, 2005

REASONS FOR ORDER:                The Honourable Mr. Justice Phelan, Deputy Assessor

DATED:                                              November 30, 2005


Kevin J. Arsenault (agent)


Sandra Doucette






Deputy Attorney General of Canada

Ottawa, Ontario



Zone de Texte: 5/6/91 Canada Gazette Part II, Vol. 125, No. 12 Gazette du Canada Partie II, Vol. 125, N  °  12 SOR/DORS/91-345 Zone de Texte: 1816 [11Registration

SOR/91-345 27 May, 1991


Plant Quarantine Regulations, amendment

P.C. 1991-969 24 May, 1991

His Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Agriculture and the Trea­sury Board, pursuant to section 47 of the Plant Protection Act*, is pleased hereby to amend the Plant Quarantine Regu­lations, C.R.C., 1273, in accordance with the schedule hereto.


1.    Paragraph 16(2)(b)' of the Plant Quarantine Regulations is revoked and the following substituted therefor:

"(b) $200 per hectare."

2.       Sections 18.3 to 18.6' of the said Regulations are revoked and the following substituted therefor:

"18.3 (1) Where an inspector, on inspecting any thing that is produced in Canada, finds that the thing is infested with a pest or suspects that the thing is so infested, the inspector may, on the basis of that infestation or suspicion or on the basis that the thing constitutes or could constitute a biological obstacle to the control of that pest, require the owner of the thing or the person having the possession, care or control of the thing to dispose of it.

(2) The requirement by an inspector under subsection (1) for the disposition of a thing shall be made in writing and shall specify the manner of disposition and, where appli­cable, the place of disposition and the time limit for the dis­position.

18.31 (1) For the purposes of this section and sections 18.32 to 18.39,

"affected area" means an area in Canada that is infested or suspected of being infested with the tobacco veinal necro­sis strain of potato virus Y, and includes the quarantine area; (endroit touclth)

"grower" means a seed potato grower; (producteur) "nuclear stock" means any tuber, plant or vegetative propa­gule that is produced in a sterile environment from tissue


culture that as been subjected to laboratory tests and found free of isease; (racine de base)

"Pre-elite seed potatoes" means seed potatoes that an inspector, who is appointed or designated under the Seeds Act, has determined were

* S.C. 1990, c. 22

SOR/91-241, 1991 Canada Gazette Part 11, p. 1398Enregistrement

DORS/91-345 27 mai 1991


Reglement sur la quarantaine des plantes­Modification

C.P. 1991-969 24 mai 1991

Sur recommandation du ministre de ('Agriculture et du Conseil du Tresor et en vertu de ]'article 47 de la Loi sur la protection des vegetaux*, it plait a Son Excellence le Gouver­neur general en conseil de modifier, conformement a l'annexe ci-aprês, le Reglement sur la quarantaine des plantes, C.R.C., ch. 1273.


1.       L'alinea 16(2)b)' du Reglement sur la quarantaine des plantes est abroge et remplace par ce qui suit :

b) 200 $ l'hectare.,

2.    Les articles 18.3 a 18.6' du merne reglement sont abroges et remplaces par ce qui suit :

« 18.3 (1) Lorsque l'inspecteur constate, a l'inspection d'une chose produite au Canada, qu'elle est infestee par un parasite-ou soupconnee de l'etre--, it peut, sur la foi de cette constatation ou pour le motif que la chose constitue ou peut constituer un obstacle biologique a la lutte contre ce parasite, ordonner a son proprietaire ou a la personne qui en a la possession, la responsabilite ou la charge des soins d'en disposer, notamment de la detruire.

(2) L'ordre vise au paragraphe (1) est donne par ecrit et precise le mode de disposition exige ainsi que, le cas echeant, le lieu et le delai prescrits a cette fin.

18.31 (1) Les definitions qui suivent s'appliquent au pre­sent article et aux articles 18.32 a 18.39.

oendroit touché* S'entend d'un endroit au Canada qui est infeste-ou soupconne de l'etre-par la souche du virus Y de la pomme de terre responsable de la necrose des nervu­res du tabac, y compris la zone de quarantaine. (affected area)

apomme de terre de semence S'entend au sens du paragra­phe 45(1) du Reglement sur les semences et, accompagne de la designation de classe Elite I, Elite II, Elite III, Fon­dation ou Certifiee, s'entend de la pomme de terre de semence de la classe respective ótablie par le paragraphe 47(1) de ce reglement. (seed potato)

apommes de terre de semence Pre-Elite* Pommes de terre de semence qui, de l'avis d'un inspecteur nomme ou designe aux termes de la Loi sur les semences :

L.C. 1990, ch. 22

DORS/91-241, Gazette du Canada Partie II, 1991, p. 1398

(a)    Zone de Texte: 5/6/91 Canada Gazette Part II, Vol. 125, No. 12 Gazette du Canada Partie II, Vol. 125, N  °  12 SOR/DORS/91-345 Zone de Texte: [2] 1817produced from nuclear stock or from cuttings or plants that were derived from tubers or selected clones that were determined by laboratory tests to be free of any disease that could affect the quality of the seed,

(b) removed from a sterile environment and planted in a field that has been free from potatoes for the previous two years, and

(c) visually inspected by an inspector, appointed or des­ignated under the Seeds Act, at least three times during the growing season and, on each inspection, were deter­mined to be visibly free from varietal mixtures and free from visual symptoms of viruses or diseases that could affect the quality of the seed; (pommes de terre de semence Pre-Elite)

"quarantine area" means the area of Prince Edward Island described in Schedule I to the Tobacco Veinal Necrosis Order Concerning Potatoes on Prince Edward Island, made by the Minister on May 3, 1991; (zone de quaran­taine)

"seed potato" means a seed potato as defined in subsection 45(1) of the Seeds Regulations and, where used with the grade Elite I, Elite II, Elite III, Foundation or Certified, means a seed potato of that grade as established by sub­section 47(1) of those Regulations. (pomme de terre de semence)

(2) For the purposes of sections 18.32 to 18.39, a hectare of seed potatoes shall be considered to have a yield of 500 hundredweight of seed potatoes.

18.32 (1) Subject to subsection (2) and section 18.35, where a grower has disposed of, or where an inspector requires a grower to dispose of, any seed potatoes that are infested or suspected of being infested with the tobacco vei­nal necrosis strain of potato virus Y and were produced in 1990 by the grower and the disposition results in a loss to the grower for which the grower is not required by these Regulations to be responsible, the Minister may, where the Minister receives an application for compensation from the grower not later than August 1, 1991, order compensation to be paid to the grower in respect of the seed potatoes, in an amount not exceeding

(a)      in respect of Pre-elite seed potatoes, $15,960 per hec­tare;

(b)      in respect of Elite I seed potatoes, $8,800 per hectare;

(c)      in respect of Elite II seed potatoes, $8,000 per hectare;

(d)        in respect of Elite III seed potatoes, $3,400 per hec­tare;

(e)        in respect of Foundation seed potatoes, $2,300 per hectare; and

(f)       in respect of Certified seed potatoes, $1,900 per hec­tare.

(2) The seed potatoes in respect of which a grower may be compensated under subsection (1) are seed potatoes that are disposed of for the reason that they are

(a) infested with the pest referred to in subsection (1);

a)      ont ete produites a partir de racines de base, de bou­tures ou de plants issus de tubercules ou de clones selec­tionnes qui, lors de tests en laboratoire, ont ete trouves exempts de maladies susceptibles d'alterer la qualite de la semence;

b)     ont ete retires d'un milieu sterile et plantês dans un champ oil it n'y avait pas eu de culture de pommes de terre pendant les deux annees precedentes;

c)     ont ete inspectes visuellement au moins trois fois au cours de la saison de croissance par un inspecteur nomme ou designe aux termes de la Loi sur les semen­ces et, a chaque inspection, ne montraient pas de carac­têres distinctifs d'autres varietes ni de symptOmes de viroses ou de maladies, susceptibles d'alterer la qualite de la semence. (Pre-elite seed potatoes)

producteur Producteur de pommes de terre de semence. (grower)

« racine de base" Tout tubercule, plant ou propagule vegetatif produit en milieu sterile a partir de cultures de tissus trou­vêes exemptes de maladies apres avoir ete soumises a des tests en laboratoire. (nuclear stock)

« zone de quarantaineA Region de l'ile-du-Prince-Edouard designee a l'annexe I de 1 Arrete concernant le virus Y de la pomme de terre responsable de la necrose des nervures du tabac dans l'Ile-du-Prince-Edouard, pris par le ministre le 3 mai 1991. (quarantine area)

(2) Pour l'application des articles 18.32 a 18.39, un hec­tare de pommes de terre de semence equivaut a 500 quin­taux de pommes de terre de semence.

18.32 (1) Sous reserve du paragraphe (2) et de l'article 18.35, lorsqu'un producteur de pommes de terre de semence a dispose, notamment par destruction, de pommes de terre de semence qu'il avait produites en 1990 et qui etaient infes­tees-ou soupconnees de l'etre-par la souche du virus Y de la pomme de terre responsable de la necrose des nervures du tabac, ou lorsque l'inspecteur lui a donne l'ordre de le faire; et que la disposition, notamment par destruction, cause au producteur une perte qu'il n'est pas tenu d'assumer selon le present reglement, le ministre peut, s'il recoit du producteur une demande d'indemnisation au plus tard le 1" aoilt 1991, ordonner que lui soit versee pour ces pommes de terre de semence une indemnite dont le montant ne depasse pas :

a)    s'il s'agit de pommes de terre de semence Pre-Elite, 15 960 $ l'hectare;

b)     s'il s'agit de pommes de terre de semence Elite I, 8 800 $ l'hectare;

c)    s'il s'agit de pommes de terre de semence Elite II, 8 000 $ l'hectare;

d)     s'il s'agit de pommes de terre de semence Elite HI, 3 400 $ l'hectare;

e)    s'il s'agit de pommes de terre de semence Fondation, 2 300 $ l'hectare;

s'il s'agit de pommes de terre de semence Certifiee, 1 900 $ l'hectare.

(2) Les pommes de terre de semence pour lesquelles le producteur peut etre indemnise en application du paragra­phe (1) sont celles dont it dispose, notamment par destruc­tion, pour run des motifs suivants :

(b) Zone de Texte: 5/6/91 Canada Gazette Part II, Vol. 125, No. 12 Gazette du Canada Partie II, Vol. 125, N  °  12 SOR/DORS/91-345. Zone de Texte: 1818 [3]of the Atlantic variety that is the progeny of seed potatoes grown on Prince Edward Island in 1989;

(c)    from a potato field on Prince Edward Island that, in either 1989 or 1990 was located within 200 metres of a Foundation seed potato plot or a Certified seed potato plot in which potatoes of the Atlantic variety were grown; or

(d) from a potato field located within 200 metres of any potato field infested with the pest referred to in subsection (1).

(3) Subject to subsection (4), the number of hectares of seed potatoes in respect of which a grower who has produced seed potatoes in 1990 may be compensated under subsection (1) is

(a) in the case of a grower who has produced seed potatoes in 1987, 1988 and 1989, the number of hectares determined by the formula

A x C



A is the aggregate of the number of hectares of seed potatoes produced and sold by the grower as seed potatoes and the number of hectares of seed potatoes produced and used by the grower for the grower's own use as seed potatoes in those three years,

B is the total number of hectares of seed potatoes pro­duced by the grower in those three years, and

C is the number of hectares of seed potatoes produced by the grower in 1990;

(b) in the case of a grower who has produced seed potatoes in 1988 and 1989, the number of hectares deter­mined by the formula

DxC where

D is the aggregate of the number of hectares of seed potatoes produced and sold by the grower as seed potatoes and the number of hectares of seed potatoes produced and used by the grower for the grower's own use as seed potatoes in those two years,

E is the total number of hectares of seed potatoes pro­duced by the grower in those two years, and

C is the nun er of hectares of seed potatoes produced by the grower in 1990;

(c) in the case of a grower who has produced seed potatoes in 1989, the number of hectares determined by the formula




a)      elles sont infestees par le parasite vise au paragraphe (1);

b)     elles sont de la variety Atlantique issue de pommes de terre de semence cultivees dans Pile-du-Prince-Edouard en 1989;

c)      elles proviennent d'un champ de pommes de terre de l'Ile-du-Prince-Edouard qui, en 1989 ou en 1990, etait situê dans un rayon de 200 metres d'une parcelle de pom­mes de terre de semence Fondation ou d'une parcelle de pommes de terre de semence Certifiee, oil des pommes de terre de la variety Atlantique êtaient cultivêes;

d)     elles proviennent d'un champ de pommes de terre situe dans un rayon de 200 metres d'un champ de pommes de terre infeste par le parasite vise au paragraphe (1).

(3) Sous reserve du paragraphe (4), le nombre d'hectares de pommes de terre de semence pour lequel un producteur qui a produit des pommes de terre de semence en 1990 peut etre indemnise en application du paragraphe (1) est :

a) soit, s'il s'agit d'un producteur qui a produit des pom­mes de terre de semence en 1987, en 1988 et en 1989, le nombre d'hectares etabli par la formule suivante :

A x C


ou :

A represente la somme du nombre d'hectares des pommes de terre de semence qu'il a produites et vendues comme telles et du nombre d'hectares des pommes de terre de semence qu'il a produites et utilisees comme telles

des fins personnelles pendant ces trois annees,

B le nombre total d'hectares des pommes de terre de semence qu'il a produites pendant ces trois annees,

C le nombre d'hectares des pommes de terre de semence qu'il a produites en 1990;

b) soit, s'il s'agit d'un producteur qui a produit des pom­mes de terre de semence en 1988 et en 1989, le nombre d'hectares etabli par la formule suivante


ou :

D represente la somme du nombre d'hectares des pommes de terre de semence qu'il a produites et vendues comme telles et du nombre d'hectares des pommes de terre de semence qu'il a produites et utilisees comme telles

des fins personnelles pendant ces deux annees,

E le nombre total d'hectares des pommes de terre de semence qu'il a produites pendant ces deux annees,

C le nombre d'hectares des pommes de terre de semence qu'il a produites en 1990;

c) soit, s'il s'agit d'un producteur qui a produit des pom­mes de terre de semence en 1989, le nombre d'hectares etabli par la formule suivante



on :

Zone de Texte: 5/6/91 Canada Gazette Part II, Vol. 125, No. 12 Gazette du Canada Partie II, Vol. 125, No 12 SOR/DORS/91-345 Zone de Texte: [4] 1819F is the aggregate of the number of hectares of seed potatoes produced and sold by the grower as seed potatoes and the number of hectares of seed potatoes produced and used by the grower for the grower's own use as seed potatoes in 1989,

G is the number of hectares of seed potatoes produced by the grower in 1989, and

C is the number of hectares of seed potatoes produced by the grower in 1990; or

(d) in the case of a grower who has produced seed potatoes only in 1990, the aggregate of the number of hec­tares of seed potatoes, produced by the grower, that the grower contracted to sell or sold as seed potatoes in 1990 or 1991, or both, and the number of hectares of seed potatoes planted by the grower as seed potatoes in 1990 for the grower's own use.

(4) The number of hectares determined under any of paragraphs (3)(a), (b), (c) and (d) shall, where applicable, be reduced by the number of hectares of seed potatoes pro­duced and sold by the grower as seed potatoes in 1990 or 1991, or both.

18.33 (1) Subject to section 18.35, where the Minister or an inspector prohibits or restricts the movement, for propa­gation purposes, of seed potatoes that are infested or are sus­pected of being infested with the pest referred to in subsec­tion 18.32(1) and the prohibition or restriction results in a loss to a grower for which the grower is not required by these Regulations to be responsible, the Minister may,, where the Minister receives an application for compensation from the grower not later than August 1, 1991, order com­pensation to be paid to the grower in respect of the seed potatoes, in an amount not exceeding the appropriate amount per hectare set out in paragraphs 18.32(1)(a) to (f).

(2) Subject to subsection (3), where a grower who has produced seed potatoes in 1990 is prohibited or restricted from moving seed potatoes referred to in subsection (1) from an affected area to a person in any other place in Canada for propagation purposes, the number of hectares of seed potatoes in respect of which the grower may be compensated under subsection (1) is

(a) in the case of a grower who has sold seed potatoes, produced by the grower, from an affected area to a person in any other place in Canada in 1987, 1988 and 1989, the number of hectares determined by the formula



H is the total number of hectares of seed potatoes pro­duced in an affected area by the grower and sold as seed potatoes by the grower from the affected area to a person in any other place in Canada during those three years,

F represente la somme du nombre d'hectares des pommes de terre de semence qu'il a produites et vendues comme telles et du nombre d'hectares des pommes de terre de semence qu'il a produites et utilisees comme telles a des fins personnelles en 1989,

G le nombre d'hectares des pommes de terre de semence qu'il a produites en 1989,

C le nombre d'hectares des pommes de terre de semence qu'il a produites en 1990;

d) soit, s'il s'agit d'un producteur qui n'a produit des pom­mes de terre de semence qu'en 1990, la somme du nombre d'hectares des pommes de terre de semence produites par lui qu'il s'est engage par contrat a vendre ou qu'il a ven­dues comme telles en 1990 ou en 1991, ou pendant ces deux annees, et du nombre d'hectares des pommes de terre de semence qu'il a plantees comme telles en 1990 a des fins personnelles.

(4) Le nombre d'hectares etabli selon les alineas (3)a), b), c) ou d) doit etre reduit, le cas echeant, du nombre d'hecta­res des pommes de terre de semence que le producteur a pro­duites et vendues comme telles en 1990 ou en 1991, ou pen­dant ces deux annees.

18.33 (1) Sous reserve de l'article 18.35, lorsque le minis­tre ou l'inspecteur interdit ou restreint le transport des pom­mes de terre de semence destinees a la multiplication qui sont infestees-ou soupgonnées de l'etre-par le parasite vise au paragraphe 18.32(1) et que cette mesure d'interdic­tion ou de restriction cause a un producteur une perte qu'il n'est pas tenu d'assumer selon le present reglement, le minis­tre peut, s'il recoit du producteur une demande d'indemnisa­tion au plus tard le ler aoilt 1991, ordonner que lui soit ver­see pour ces pommes de terre de semence une indemnite dont le montant par hectare ne depasse pas le montant applicable indique aux alineas 18.32(1)a) a j).

(2) Sous reserve du paragraphe (3), lorsque le producteur qui a produit des pommes de terre de semence en 1990 est vise par une mesure interdisant ou restreignant le transport, d'un endroit touché a des personnes d'un autre lieu au Canada, des pommes de terre de semence destinêes a la mul­tiplication visees au paragraphe (1), le nombre d'hectares de pommes de terre de semence pour lequel it peut etre indem­nise en application du paragraphe (1) est :

a) soit, s'il s'agit d'un producteur qui a vendu en 1987, en 1988 et en 1989 des pommes de terre de semence produi­tes par lui et provenant d'un endroit touché a des person­nes d'un autre lieu au Canada, le nombre d'hectares etabli par la formule suivante :


on :

H représente le nombre total d'hectares des pommes de terre de semence qu'il a produites dans un endroit tou­ché et vendues comme telles en provenance de l'endroit touché a des personnes d'un autre lieu au Canada pen­dant ces trois annees,

Zone de Texte: 5/6/91 Canada Gazette Part II, Vol. 125, No. 12 Gazette du Canada Partie II, Vol. 125, N  °  12 SOR/DORS/91-345 Zone de Texte: 1820 [51B is the total number of hectares of seed potatoes pro­duced by the grower in those three years, and

C is the number of hectares of seed potatoes produced by the grower in 1990;

(b) in the case of a grower who has sold seed potatoes, produced by the grower, from an affected area to a person in any other place in Canada in 1988 and 1989, the num­ber of hectares determined by the formula

I x C E


I is the total number of hectares of seed potatoes pro­duced in an affected area by the grower and sold as seed potatoes by the grower from the affected area to a per­son in any other place in Canada during those two years,

E is the total number of hectares of seed potatoes pro­duced by the grower in those two years, and

C is the number of hectares of seed potatoes produced by the grower in 1990;

(c) in the case of a grower who has sold seed potatoes, produced by the grower, from an affected area to a person in any other place in Canada in 1989, the number of hec­tares determined by the formula

J xC G


J is the number of hectares of seed potatoes produced in an affected area by the grower and sold as seed potatoes by the grower from the affected area to a person in any other place in Canada during 1989,

G is the number'of hectares of seed potatoes produced by the grower in 1989, and

C is the number of hectares of seed potatoes produced by the grower in 1990; or

(d) in the case of a grower who has produced seed potatoes only in 1990, the number of hectares of seed potatoes, produced by the grower, that the grower con­tracted to sell or sold as seed potatoes in 1990 or 1991, or both, to a person in a place in Canada other than an affected area.

(3)    Then wnber of hectares determined under any of paragraphs ((a), (b), (c) and (d) shall, where applicable, be reduced by the number of hectares of seed potatoes pro­duced and sold by the grower as seed potatoes in 1990 or 1991, or both, to a person in a place in Canada other than an affected area.

(4)    For the purposes of subsection (2), the movement of seed potatoes from an affected area to any other place in Canada does not include the movement of seed potatoes within the affected area.

B le nombre total d'hectares des pommes de terre de semence qu'il a produites pendant ces trois annees,

C le nombre d'hectares des pommes de terre de semence qu'il a produites en 1990;

b) soit, s'il s'agit d'un producteur qui a vendu en 1988 et en 1989 des pommes de terre de semence produites par lui et provenant d'un endroit touché a des personnes d'un autre lieu au Canada, le nombre d'hectares etabli par la formule suivante :

I x C E

ou :

I represente le nombre total d'hectares des pommes de terre de semence qu'il a produites dans un endroit tou­ché et vendues comme telles en provenance de l'endroit touché a des personnes d'un autre lieu au Canada pen­dant ces deux annees,

E le nombre total d'hectares des pommes de terre de
semence qu'il a produites pendant ces deux annees,

C le nombre d'hectares des pommes de terre de semence qu'il a produites en 1990;

c) soit, s'il s'agit d'un producteur qui a vendu en 1989 des pommes de terre de semence produites par lui et prove­nant d'un endroit touché a des personnes d'un autre lieu au Canada, le nombre d'hectares etabli par la formule sui­vante :

J xC G

ou :

J represente le nombre d'hectares des pommes de terre de semence qu'il a produites dans un endroit touché et ven­dues comme telles en provenance de l'endroit touché a des personnes d'un autre lieu au Canada en 1989,

G le nombre d'hectares des pommes de terre de semence qu'il a produites en 1989,

C le nombre d'hectares des pommes de terre de semence qu'il a produites en 1990;

d) soit, s'il s'agit d'un producteur qui n'a produit des porn­mes de terre de semence qu'en 1990, le nombre d'hectares des pommes de terre de semence produites par lui qu'il s'est engage par contrat a vendre ou qu'il a vendues comme telles en 1990 ou en 1991, ou pendant ces deux annees, a des personnes d'un lieu au Canada autre qu'un endroit touché.

(3)      Le nombre d'hectares etabli selon les alineas (2)a), b), c) ou d) doit etre reduit, le cas echeant, du nombre d'hecta­res des pommes de terre de semence que le producteur a pro­duites et vendues comme telles en 1990 ou en 1991, ou pen­dant ces deux annees, a des personnes d'un lieu au Canada autre qu'un endroit touche.

(4)      Pour l'application du paragraphe (2), le transport de pommes de terre de semence d'un endroit touché a tout autre lieu au Canada ne comprend pas le transport de pom­mes de terre de semence a l'interieur de l'endroit touche.

Zone de Texte: 5/6/91 Canada Gazette Part II, Vol. 125, No. 12 Gazette du Canada Partie II, Vol. 125, N  °  12 SOR/DORS/91-345 Zone de Texte: [6] 1821(5) Subject to subsection (6), where a grower who has produced seed potatoes in 1990 is prohibited or restricted from moving seed potatoes referred to in subsection (1) from an affected area in Canada to a person in the United States for propagation purposes, the number of hectares of seed potatoes in respect of which the grower may be compensated under subsection (1) is

(a) in the case of a grower who has sold seed potatoes, produced by the grower, from an affected area to a person in the United States in 1987, 1988 and 1989, the number of hectares determined by the formula

KxC where

K is the total number of hectares of seed potatoes pro­duced in an affected area by the grower and sold as seed potatoes by the grower from the affected area to a person in the United States in those three years,

B is the total number of hectares of seed potatoes pro­duced by the grower in those three years, and

C is the number of hectares of seed potatoes produced by the grower in 1990;

(b) in the case of a grower who has sold seed potatoes, produced by the grower, from an affected area to a person in the United States in 1988 and 1989, the number of hec­tares determined by the formula


(5) Sous reserve du paragraphe (6), lorsque le producteur qui a produit des pommes de terre de semence en 1990 est vise par une mesure interdisant ou restreignant le transport des pommes de terre de semence destinees a la multiplica­tion visees au paragraphe (1) en provenance d'un endroit touché au Canada a des personnes aux Etats-Unis, le nom­bre d'hectares de pommes de terre de semence pour lequel

peut etre indemnise en application du paragraphe (1) est :

a) soit, s'il s'agit d'un producteur qui a vendu en 1987, en 1988 et en 1989 des pommes de terre de semence produi­tes par lui et provenant d'un endroit touché a des person­nes aux Etats-Unis, le nombre d'hectares etabli par la for-mule suivante


B ou :

K represente le nombre total d'hectares des pommes de terre de semence qu'il a produites dans un endroit tou­ché et vendues comme telles en provenance de l'endroit touché a des personnes aux Etats-Unis pendant ces trois annees,

B le nombre total d'hectares des pommes de terre de semence qu'il a produites pendant ces trois annees,

C le nombre d'hectares des pommes de terre de semence qu'il a produites en 1990;

b) soit, s'il s'agit d'un producteur qui a vendu en 1988 et en 1989 des pommes de terre de semence produites par lui et provenant d'un endroit touché a des personnes aux Etats-Unis, le nombre d'hectares etabli par la formule sui­vante



L is the total number of hectares of seed potatoes pro­duced in an affected area by the grower and sold as seed potatoes by the grower from the affected area to a person in the United States in those two years,

E is the total number of hectares of seed potatoes pro­duced by the grower in those two years, and

C is the number of hectares of seed potatoes produced by the grower in 1990;

(c) in the case of a grower who has sold seed potatoes, produced by the grower, from an affected area to a person in the United States in 1989, the number of hectares determined by the formula



M is the number of hectares of seed potatoes produced in an affected area by the grower and sold as seed potatoes by the grower from the affected area to a per­son in the United States in 1989,


L represente le nombre total d'hectares des pommes de terre de semence qu'il a produites dans un endroit tou­ché et vendues comme telles en provenance de l'endroit touché a des personnes aux Etats-Unis pendant ces deux annees,

E le nombre total d'hectares des pommes de terre de
semence qu'il a produites pendant ces deux annees,

C le nombre d'hectares des pommes de terre de semence qu'il a produites en 1990;

c) soit, s'il s'agit d'un producteur qui a vendu en 1989 des pommes de terre de semence produites par lui et prove­nant d'un endroit touche a des personnes aux Etats-Unis, le nombre d'hectares etabli par la formule suivante :


ou :

M represente le nombre d'hectares des pommes de terre de semence qu'il a produites dans un endroit touché et vendues comme telles en provenance de l'endroit tou­ché a des personnes aux Etats-Unis en 1989,

Zone de Texte: 5/6/91 Canada Gazette Part II, Vol. 125, No. 12Zone de Texte: Gazette du Canada Partie II, Vol. 125, N  °  12 SOR/DORS/91-345 Zone de Texte: 1822Zone de Texte: [7]G is the number of hectares of seed potatoes produced by the grower in 1989, and

C is the number of hectares of seed potatoes produced by the grower in 1990; or

(d) in the case of a grower who has produced seed potatoes only in 1990, the number of hectares of seed potatoes, produced by the grower, that the grower con­tracted to sell or sold as seed potatoes in 1990 or 1991, or both, to a person in the United States.

(6) The number of hectares determined under any of paragraphs (5)(a), (b), (c) and (d) shall, where applicable, be reduced by the number of hectares of seed potatoes pro­duced and sold by the grower as seed potatoes in 1990 or 1991, or both,-to a person in the United States.

18.34 (1) Subject to section 18.35, where the Minister or an inspector prohibits or restricts the movement of seed potatoes from the quarantine area to any other place, for propagation purposes, and the prohibition or restriction results in a loss of sales within the quarantine area to a grower for which the grower is not required by these Regu­lations to be responsible, the Minister may, where the Minis­ter receives an application for compensation from the grower not later than August I , 1991, order compensation to be paid to the grower in respect of the seed potatoes in an amount not exceeding

(a)       in respect of Pre-elite seed potatoes, $11,172 per hec­tare;

(b)      in respect of Elite I seed potatoes, $6,160 per hectare;

(c)      in respect of Elite II seed potatoes, $5,600 per hectare;

(d)        in respect of Elite III seed potatoes, $2,380 per hec­tare;

(e)         in respect of Foundation seed potatoes, $1,610 per hectare; and

(f)       in respect of Certified seed potatoes, $1,330 per hec­tare.

(2) Where a grower who has produced seed potatoes in 1990 is prohibited or restricted from moving seed potatoes referred to in subsection (1) from the quarantine area for propagation purposes, the number of hectares of seed potatoes in respect of which the grower may be compensated under subsection (1) is

(a) in the case of a grower who has sold seed potatoes, produced by the grower, within the quarantine area in 1987, 1988 and 1989, the number of hectares determined by the formula



N is the total number of hectares of seed potatoes pro­duced in the quarantine area by the grower and sold as seed potatoes by the grower within the quarantine area in those three years,

G le nombre d'hectares des pommes de terre de semence qu'il a produites en 1989,

C le nombre d'hectares des pommes de terre de semence qu'il a produites en 1990;

d) soit, s'il s'agit d'un producteur qui n'a produit des pom­mes de terre de semence qu'en 1990, le nombre d'hectares des pommes de terre de semence produites par lui qu'il s'est engage par contrat a vendre ou qu'il a vendues comme telles en 1990 ou en 1991, ou pendant ces deux annees, a des personnes aux Etats-Unis.

(6) Le nombre d'hectares etabli selon les alineas (5)a), b), c) ou d) doit etre reduit, le cas echeant, du nombre d'hecta­res des pommes de terre de semence que le producteur a pro­duites et vendues comme telles en 1990 ou en 1991, ou pen- dant ces deux annees, a des personnes aux Etats-Unis.

18.34 (1) Sous reserve de l'article 18.35, lorsque le minis­tre ou l'inspecteur interdit ou restreint le transport des pom­mes de terre de semence destinees a la multiplication a par­tir de la zone de quarantaine vers un lieu a l'exterieur de cette zone et que cette mesure d'interdiction ou de restric­tion cause a un producteur une perte de ventes a l'interieur de cette zone qu'il n'est pas tenu d'assumer selon le present rêglement, le ministre peut, s'il recoit du producteur une demande d'indemnisation au plus tard le ler aofit 1991, ordonner que lui soit versee pour ces pommes de terre de semence une indemnite dont le montant ne depasse pas :

a)        s'il s'agit de pommes de terre de semence Pre-Elite, 11 172 $ l'hectare;

b)        s'il s'agit de pommes de terre de semence Elite I, 6 160 $ l'hectare;

c)        s'il s'agit de pommes de terre de semence Elite II, 5 600 $ l'hectare;

d)        s'il s'agit de pommes de terre de semence Elite III; 2 380 $ l'hectare;

e)      s'il s'agit de pommes de terre de semence Fondation, 1 610 $ l'hectare;

j) s'il s'agit de pommes de terre de semence Certifiee, 1 330 $ l'hectare.

(2) Lorsque le producteur qui a produit des pommes de terre de semence en 1990 est vise par une mesure interdisant ou restreignant le transport, hors de la zone de quarantaine, des pommes de terre de semence destinees a la multiplica­tion, le nombre d'hectares de pommes de terre de semence visee au paragraphe (1) pour lequel it peut etre indemnise en application du paragraphe (1) est :

a) soit, s'il s'agit d'un .producteur qui a vendu en 1987, en 1988 et en 1989, a l'interieur de la zone de quarantaine, des pommes de terre de semence produites par lui, le nom­bre d'hectares êtabli par la formule suivante :


oft :

N represente le nombre total d'hectares des pommes de terre de semence qu'il a produites dans la zone de qua­rantaine et vendues comme telles a l'interieur de cette zone pendant ces trois annees,

Zone de Texte: 5/6/91 Canada Gazette Part II, Vol. 125, No. 12 Gazette du Canada Partie II, Vol. 125, N  °  12 SOR/DORS/91-345 Zone de Texte: [8]Zone de Texte: 1823B is the total number of hectares of seed potatoes pro­duced by the grower in those three years, and

C is the number of hectares of seed potatoes produced by the grower in 1990;

(b) in the case of a grower who has sold seed potatoes, produced by the grower, within the quarantine area in 1988 and 1989, the number of hectares determined by the formula

0 x C E


m is the total number of hectares of seed potatoes pro­duced in the quarantine area by the grower and sold as seed potatoes by the grower within the quarantine area in those two years,

E is the total number of hectares of seed potatoes pro­duced by the grower in those two years, and

C is the number of hectares of seed potatoes produced by the grower in 1990;

(c) in the case of a grower who has sold seed potatoes, produced by the grower, within the quarantine area in 1989, the number of hectares determined by the formula


G where

P    is the number of hectares of seed potatoes produced in the quarantine area by the grower and sold as seed potatoes by the grower within the quarantine area in 1989,

G is the number of hectares of seed potatoes produced by the grower in 1989, and

C is the number of hectares of seed potatoes produced by the grower in 1990; or

(d) in the case of a grower who has produced seed potatoes only in 1990, the number of hectares of seed potatoes, produced by the grower, that the grower con­tracted to sell or sold as seed potatoes in 1990 or 1991, or both, to a person within the quarantine area.

18.35 Where compensation is ordered by the Minister to be paid to a grower under subsection 18.32(1) in respect of seed potatoes that are described in any of paragraphs 18.32(2)(a) to (d), no additional compensation may be ordered by the Minister to be paid to the grower under sub­section 18.33(1) or 18.34(1) in respect of those seed potatoes.

18.36 (1) Where a person who is the owner of or has the possession, care or control of any seed potatoes produced in 1990 that are described in any of paragraphs 18.32(2)(a) to

(d) has destroyed the seed potatoes by composting or other means or where an inspector requires such a person to do so, and the destruction results in a loss to the person for which

B le nombre total d'hectares des pommes de terre de semence qu'il a produites pendant ces trois annees,

C le nombre d'hectares des pommes de terre de semence qu'il a produites en 1990;

b) soit, s'il s'agit d'un producteur qui a vendu en 1988 et en 1989, a l'interieur de la zone de quarantaine, des pom­mes de terre de semence produites par lui, le nombre d'hectares etabli par Ia formule suivante :

0 x C E


mrepresente le nombre total d'hectares des pommes de terre de semence qu'il a produites dans la zone de qua­rantaine et vendues comme telles a l'interieur de cette zone pendant ces deux annees,

E le nombre total d'hectares des pommes de terre de
semence qu'il a produites pendant ces deux annees,

C le nombre d'hectares des pommes de terre de semence qu'il a produites en 1990;

c) soit, s'il s'agit d'un producteur qui a vendu en 1989, a l'interieur de la zone de quarantaine, des pommes de terre de semence produites par lui, le nombre d'hectares etabli par la formule suivante


G ou

P      represente le nombre d'hectares des pommes de terre de

semence qu'il a produites dans la zone de quarantaine

et vendues comme telles a l'interieur de cette zone en


G le nombre d'hectares des pommes de terre de semence qu'il a produites en 1989,

C le nombre d'hectares des pommes de terre de semence qu'il a produites en 1990;

d) soit, s'il s'agit d'un producteur qui n'a produit des porn­mes de terre de semence qu'en 1990, le nombre d'hectares des pommes de terre de semence produites par lui qu'il s'est engage par contrat a vendre ou qu'il a vendues comme telles a l'interieur de la zone de quarantaine en 1990 ou en 1991, ou pendant ces deux annees.

18.35 Lorsque, en application du paragraphe 18.32(1), le ministre a ordonne de verser a un producteur une indemnite pour des pommes de terre de semence visees a l'un des ali­neas 18.32(2)0 a d), it ne peut ordonner de verser a ce pro­ducteur aucune autre indemnite pour ces pommes de terre en application des paragraphes 18.33(1) ou 18.34(1).

18.36 (1) Lorsque Ia personne qui est proprietaire ou qui a la possession, la responsabilitê ou la charge des soins des pommes de terre de semence produites en 1990 qui sont visees a l'un des alineas 18.32(2)a) a d) a detruit celles-ci par compostage ou par tout autre moyen, ou lorsque l'ins­pecteur lui a donne l'ordre de le faire, et que la destruction des pommes de terre de semence cause a la personne une

Zone de Texte: 5/6/91 Canada Gazette Part II, Vol. 125, No. 12 Gazette du Canada Partie II, Vol. 125, N  °  12 SOR/DORS/91-345 Zone de Texte: 1824 [9]the person is not required by these Regulations to be respon­sible, the Minister may, where the Minister receives an application for compensation from the person not later than August 1, 1991, order compensation to be paid to the person in an amount of $500 per hectare for the destroyed seed potatoes less 5 per cent for cullage and, in addition

(a) where the Minister orders compensation to be paid to the person under subsection 18.32(1) in respect of all or a portion of the destroyed seed potatoes, the Minister may order compensation to be paid to the person in respect of the destroyed seed potatoes in an amount not exceeding the amount determined by the formula

(Q - R) x S where

Q is the number of hectares of seed potatoes destroyed less 5 per cent for cullage,

R is the number of hectares of seed potatoes in respect of which compensation has been ordered to be paid to the person under subsection 18.32(1), and

S is the appropriate amount per hectare set out in para­graphs 18.32(1)(a) to (I); and

(b) where no compensation is ordered by the Minister to be paid to the person under subsection 18.32(1) or section 18.37 in respect of all or any portion of the destroyed seed potatoes, the Minister may order compensation to be paid to the person in respect of the destroyed seed potatoes in an amount not exceeding the amount determined by the formula

QxS where

Q is the number of hectares of seed potatoes destroyed less 5 per cent for cullage, and

S is the appropriate amount per hectare set out in para­graphs 18.32(1)(a) to (f).

(2) Where a person has incurred transportation expenses in respect of the destruction of seed potatoes by composting or other means referred to in subsection (1), the Minister may, where the Minister receives evidence in support of those expenses lot later than August 1, 1991, order compen- sation to be pard to that person in an amount not exceeding the reasonable cost of transportation, within the province, to the site in the province in which the seed potatoes were destroyed.

18.37 Where an inspector requires a person in a place other than an affected area to dispose of any seed potatoes that were produced in 1990 in an affected area and pur­chased by the person for propagation in a place in Canada

perte qu'elle n'est pas tenue d'assumer selon le present rêgle­ment, le ministre peut, s'il recoit de la personne une demande d'indemnisation au plus tard le ler aofit 1991, ordonner que lui soit versee pour les pommes de terre detrui­tes une indemnite de 500 $ l'hectare, moins 5 pour cent pour les dechets de triage, ainsi que :

a) dans le cas on le ministre a ordonne le versement d'une indemnite a la personne en application du paragraphe 18.32(1) pour tout ou partie des pommes de terre de semence detruites, it peut ordonner que lui soit versee relativement a celles-ci une indemnite d'un montant ne depassant pas le montant etabli par la formule suivante :

(Q - R) x S

ou :

Q represente le nombre d'hectares des pommes de terre de semence detruites, moins 5 pour cent pour les dechets de triage,

R le nombre d'hectares des pommes de terre de semence

pour lesquelles a ete ordonne le versement d'une

indemnite a la personne en application du paragraphe


S le montant applicable par hectare mentionnê aux ali­neas 18.32(1)a) a j);

b) dans le cas on le ministre n'a pas ordonne le versement d'une indemnite a la personne en application du paragra­phe 18.32(1) ou de Particle 18.37 pour tout ou partie des pommes de terre de semence detruites, it peut ordonner que lui soit versee relativement a celles-ci une indemnite d'un montant ne depassant pas le montant etabli par la formule suivante :

QxS on :

Q represente le nombre d'hectares des pommes de terre de semence detruites, moins 5 pour cent pour les dechets de triage,

S le montant applicable par hectare mentionne aux ali­fleas 18.32(1)a) al).

(2) Lorsqu'une personne a engage des frais de transport pour la destruction des pommes de terre de semence -par compostage ou par tout autre moyen selon le paragraphe (1), le ministre peut, s'il recoit des pieces justificatives

l'appui de ces frais au plus tard le ler mit 1991, ordonner que lui soit versee une indemnite d'un montant ne depassant pas les frais raisonnables de transport, a l'interieur de la pro­vince, de ces pommes de terre de semence jusqu'a l'endroit de destruction dans la province.

1837 Lorsque l'inspecteur a ordonne a une personne d'un lieu autre qu'un endroit touché de disposer, notamment par destruction, des pommes de terre de semence produites en 1990 dans un endroit touché et achetees par elles en 1991

Zone de Texte: 5/6/91 Canada Gazette Part II, Vol. 125, No. 12Zone de Texte: Gazette du Canada Partie II, Vol. 125, No 12 SOR/DORS/91-345 Zone de Texte: [10] 1825other than an affected area in 1991, and the disposition results in a loss to the person for which the person is not required by these Regulations to be responsible, the Minister may, where the Minister receives an application for compen­sation from the person not later than August 1, 1991, order compensation to be paid to the person in respect of the seed potatoes, in an amount not exceeding 80 per cent of the price that the person paid for the seed potatoes.

18.38 Every application for compensation referred to in section 18.32, 18.33, 18.34, 18.36 and 18.37 shall contain the following information:

(a) the name and address of the applicant;

(b) where applicable, the number of hectares of seed potatoes that were required by an inspector to be disposed of or the movement of which was prohibited or restricted and the variety, grade and certificate number, as defined in subsection 45(1) of the Seeds Regulations, of the seed potatoes and the location of the seed potatoes and the fields in which the seed potatoes were produced;

(c) evidence to substantiate the loss in respect of which the application is being made including, in the case of an application made by a grower referred to in paragraph 18.32(3)(d), 18.33(2)(d) or (5)(d) or 18.34(2)(d), evi­dence of the applicant's contractual obligation as described in those paragraphs;

(d) evidence to substantiate

(i)        the number of hectares of seed potatoes referred to in section 18.32, 18.33, 18.34 or 18.36, as the case may be, in respect of which the applicant may be compen­sated, and

(ii)         where applicable, the number of hectares of seed potatoes by which the number of hectares referred to in subparagraph (i) is reduced under subsection 18.32(4) or 18.33(3) or (6); and

(e) where possible, a copy of all documents issued to the applicant by or on behalf of the Minister in respect of the disposition of seed potatoes or the prohibition or restric­tion of the movement thereof.

18.39 Where an inspector, under subsection 18.3(1), requires a person to dispose of any thing that is infested or suspected of being infested with the pest referred to in sub­section 18.32(1) and was produced by a person after 1990 and the disposition results in a loss to the person for which the person is not required by these Regulations to be respon­sible, the Minister may, on receiving an application for com­pensation from the person, order compensation to be paid to the person in respect of the thing disposed of in an amount not exceeding 80 per cent of the fair market value of the thing."

3. The said Regulations are further amended by adding thereto, immediately after section 29 thereof, the following heading and sections:

"Control of Potatoes on Prince Edward Island

30. No person shall plant potato tubers on Prince Edward Island unless a sample of the lot from which the potato tubersdes fins de multiplication dans un lieu au Canada autre qu'un endroit touché et que la disposition, notamment par destruction, cause a la personne une perte qu'elle n'est pas tenue d'assumer selon le present reglement, le ministre peut, s'il regoit de celle-ci une demande d'indemnisation au plus tard le ler aofit 1991, ordonner que lui soit versee pour ces pommes de terre de semence une indemnite d'un montant ne depassant pas 80 pour cent du cotit, pour elle, des pommes de terre de semence.

18.38 Toute demande d'indemnisation visee aux articles 18.32, 18.33, 18.34, 18.36 ou 18.37 doit con nir :

a) les nom et adresse du demandeur;

b) le cas echeant, le nombre d'hectares de pommes de terre de semence dont l'inspecteur a ordonne la disposi­tion, notamment par destruction, ou dont le transport a ête interdit ou restreint, de meme que la variety, la classe et le numero de certificat, au sens du paragraphe 45(1) du Reglement sur les semences, des pommes de terre de semence, ainsi que le lieu on elles se trouvent et l'emplace­ment des champs on elles ont ete produites;

c) des pieces justificatives a l'appui de la perte visee par la demande d'indemnisation, y compris, dans le cas d'une demande d'indemnisation visee aux alineas 18.32(3)d), 18.33(2)d) ou (5)d) ou 18.34(2)d), une preuve de l'enga­gement du producteur mentionnee a ces alineas;

d) une preuve etablissant :

(i)     le nombre d'hectares de pommes de terre de semence vise aux articles 18.32, 18.33, 18.34 ou 18.36, selon le cas, pour lequel le demandeur peut etre indem­nise,

(ii) le cas icheant, le nombre d'hectares de pommes de terre de semence dont a ête reduit le nombre d'hectares vise au sous- alinéa (i), conformement aux paragrapher 18.32(4) ou 18.33(3) ou (6);

e) si possible, une copie de tous les documents delivres au demandeur par le ministre ou en son nom quant a la dis­position, notamment par destruction, des pommes de terre de semence ou a l'interdiction ou a la restriction de leur transport.

18.39 Lorsque, en application du paragraphe 18.3(1), l'inspecteur a ordonne a une personne de disposer, notam­ment par destruction, d'une chose produite par elle apres 1990 qui est infestee-ou soupconnee de Petre-par le para­site vise au paragraphe 18.32(1) et que la disposition, notamment par destruction, cause a la personne une perte qu'elle n'est pas tenue d'assumer selon le present reglement, le ministre peut, s'il recoit de celle-ci une demande d'indem­nisation, ordonner que lui soit versee pour la chose dont elle a dispose, notamment par destruction, une indemnite d'un montant ne depassant pas 80 pour cent de la juste valeur marchande de cette chose. »

3. Le meme reglement est modifie par insertion, apres l'arti­cle 29, de ce qui suit

aContrale des pommes de terre dans l'ile-du-Prince-Èdouard

30. Il est interdit de planter des tubercules de pommes de terre dans l'Ile-du-Prince-Edouard a moins qu'un echantillon

Zone de Texte: 5/6/91 Canada Gazette Part II, Vol. 125, No. 12 Gazette du Canada Partie II, Vol. 125, N  °  12 SOR/DORS/91-345 Zone de Texte: 1826originated has been tested by the Department of Agriculture for the presence of the tobacco veinal necrosis strain of potato virus Y and

(a)      the sample tested negative for that pest; and

(b)      the lot is approved by the Department of Agriculture for propagation.

31. (1) Every person who is the owner of or has the posses­sion, care or control of a place in which potatoes were grown in 1990 and that was infested with the tobacco veinal necrosis strain of potato virus Y or contained potatoes of the Atlantic variety that was grown in 1989 on Prince Edward Island shall

(a)      before July 30, 1991, dispose of any potato plant volun­teers including the potato tubers that are growing in that place; and         -

(b)     ensure that the place lies fallow for the 1991 potato growing season or for a period of time specified in writing by an inspector.

(2) Notwithstanding paragraph (1)(b), the owner of or the person having the possession, care or control of the place referred to in that paragraph may, during the 1991 potato growing season, plant at that place a crop approved by an inspector."du lot d'on proviennent ces tubercules n'ait fait ('objet de tests effectues par le ministere de l'Agriculture pour verifier la pre­sence de la souche du virus Y de la pomme de terre responsa­ble de la necrose des nervures du tabac et que :

a)      rechantillon n'ait etê trouve exempt du parasite;

b)     le lot n'ait ete approuve par le ministere de l'Agriculture a des fins de multiplication.

31. (1) Quiconque est proprietaire ou a la possession, la res­ponsabilite ou la charge d'un lieu on des pommes de terre ont et8 cultivees en 1990 et qui etait infeste par la souche du virus Y de la pomme de terre responsable de la necrose des nervures du tabac ou qui contenait des pommes de terre de la variete Atlantique cultivees en 1989 dans l'Ile-du-Prince-Edouard doit :

a)      avant le 30 juillet 1991, disposer, notamment par destruc­tion, de tout plant spontane de pommes de terre, y compris tout tubercule de pomme de terre poussant dans ce lieu;

b)     s'assurer que le lieu est laisse en jachere pour la saison de croissance des pommes de terre de 1991 ou pour la periode precisee par ecrit par l'inspecteur.

(2) Malgre l'alinea (1)b), le proprietaire ou la personne qui a la possession, la responsabilite ou la charge du lieu vise a cet alinea peut, durant la saison de croissance des pommes de terre de 1991, l'ensemencer d'un type de culture approuve par l' ins­pecteur.D


(This statement is not part of the Regulations.) Description

As a result of recent negotiations between the Minister of Agriculture and the government of Prince Edward Island, including the affected seed potato growers, the Plant Quaran­tine Regulations amendment which was published in the Canada Gazette Part II on ApriI.10, 1991 (pages 1398-1404) is amended to include provisions which raise the amount of compensation payments and broadens the situations under which a potato grower may apply for compensation. The regu­lation amendment will apply equally to all potato growers in Canada, who are financially affected by the program to eradi­cate the disease named tobacco veinal necrosis strain of potato virus Y (PVY").

The regulation amendment will:

(a)      define "seed potatoes";

(b)     redefine the terms and conditions upon which the Department ofgriculture calculates the compensation pay- ments;

(c)     grant authority for an inspector to require a person to dispose of any. thing (e.g. tobacco or potato plant) that is infected or suspected of being infected with tobacco veinal necrosis strain of potato virus Y;

(d)     grant authority for the Minister of Agriculture to pay compensation to a potato grower who is

(i) required by an inspector to compost or destroy his/her potatoes, and


(Ce resume ne fait pas partie du reglement.)


A la suite des recentes negotiations du ministre de l'Agricul­ture et du gouvernement de l'ile-du-Prince-tdouard, auxquel­les ont participe les producteurs de pommes de terre de semence concernes, on veut modifier la modification du Regle­ment sur la quarantaine des plantes, publiee dans la Gazette du Canada Partie II le 10 avril 1991 (pages 1398-1404), pour y ajouter des dispositions visant a hausser le montant des indemnites et a etendre les conditions dans lesquelles un pro­ducteur de pommes de terre peut demander une indemnite. Le reglement modifie s'appliquera egalement a tous les produc­teurs de pommes de terre du Canada qui auront subi des pertes financieres en raison du programme d'êradication de la souche du virus Y de la pomme de terre responsable de la necrose des nervures du tabac (PVY").

Le reglement modifie

a)      Dêfinit « pomme de terre de semence » ;

b)        Redefinit les modalites du calcul des indemnitês par le ministere de ('Agriculture;

c)    Autorise les inspecteurs a ordonner la disposition d'un bien (p. ex. : plant de tabac ou de pommes de terre) parasite, ou soupgonne de l'etre, par la souche du virus Y de la pomme de terre responsable de la necrose des nervures du tabac;

d) Autorise le ministre de l'Agriculture a verser des indem­nitês aux producteurs de pommes de terre :

Zone de Texte: 5/6/91 Canada Gazette Part II, Vol. 125, No. 12 Gazette du Canada Partie II, Vol. 125, N  °  12 SOR/DORS/91-345 Zone de Texte: [121Zone de Texte: 1827(ii) affected by the program to eradicate tobacco veinal necrosis strain of potato virus Y (PVY") (e.g. movement prohibitions or restrictions and indirectly the loss of mar­kets);

(e) grant authority for the Minister of Agriculture to pay for the cost of

(i)        transporting the potatoes from the farm to the place where the potatoes are composted or destroyed, and

(ii)      composting or destroying the potatoes;

(f) prohibit the planting of potatoes, on Prince Edward Island, that have not been tested by the Federal Department of Agriculture and found free from the potato virus (PVY");

(g) contain a provision which requires a person to dispose of (remove) volunteer potato plants (plants growing spontane­ously without direct human control or supervision from seeds of a previous crop) from any field which in 1990 con­tained potatoes that

(i)        were infected with tobacco veinal necrosis strain of potato virus Y, or

(ii)         contained potatoes of the Atlantic variety that were produced on Prince Edward Island in 1989.

The amendment takes into consideration historical seed sales of seed potatoes which the Department has on record and an average number of hectares of seed potatoes calculated over the last three years. More recent entrants will have to docu­ment their cases. This number will be expressed in hectares using average marketable seed potato yields per hectare. The sale of 1990 seed potatoes and that portion of the seed potatoes that is used or will be used by the potato grower for his own use will be deducted when calculating the compensation pay­ment.

Alternatives Considered

1.      Status Quo: If the regulations remain unchanged, it could be unfair to potato growers in Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, Ontario and Alberta who have lost potato markets in Canada and the United States. This could be considered unfair, since the regulation amendment of April 10, 1991 did not take into consideration the prohibitions and restrictions placed on the movement of seed potatoes, as stipulated in the PVY" eradication program.

2.    Amend the

Regulations: As requested by the affected potato growers and the government of Prince Edward Island. The regulation amendment mitigates a fair portion of the grower's financial losses caused by the eradication of the potato virus.

(i)     a qui un inspecteur a ordonné de composter ou de dêtruire leurs pommes de terre,

(ii) touches par le programme d'êradication de la souche du virus Y de la pomme de terre responsable de la necrose des nervures du tabac (interdiction ou restriction des mou­vements et, indirectement, perte de debouches);

e) Autorise le ministre de l'Agriculture a payer le coilt :

(i)     du transport des pommes de terre de la ferme l'endroit ou se fait le compostage ou la destruction,

(ii) du compostage ou de la destruction des pommes de terre;

.1) Interdit de planter, a 1'Ile-du-Prince-Edouard, des pom­mes de terre qui n'ont pas ête examinees par le ministere federal de l'Agriculture et declarees exemptes du virus Y de la pomme de terre (PVY");

g) Exige l'enlevement des repousses de pommes de terre (plants poussant spontanement, sans supervision ou interven­tion humaine directe, a partir des graines des plants cultives) se trouvant dans un champ qui contenait, en 1990 :

(i)        soit des pommes de terre infectees par la souche du virus Y de la pomme de terre responsable de la necrose des nervures du tabac,

(ii)     soit des pommes de terre parmi lesquelles se trou­vaient des pommes de terre de la variête Atlantique pro­duites a l'Ile-du-Prince-Edouard en 1989.

La modification tient compte des donnees retrospectives sur les ventes de pommes de terre de semence dont dispose le ministere et de la moyenne des hectares de culture des pommes de terre de semence calculee pour les trois dernieres annees. Les nouveaux producteurs qui demanderont une indemnitê devront fournir des documents a l'appui. Le nombre d'hectares vises sera determine en fonction de la moyenne des rendements de pommes de terre de semence commercialisables a I'hectare. La part de la production de pommes de terre de semence de 1990 qui aura éte vendue et la part que les producteurs auront utilisee ou utiliseront a des fins personnelles seront soustraites au moment du calcul des indemnitês.

Solutions envisagees

1. Statu quo : Ne pas modifier le reglement pourrait etre injuste a l'egard des producteurs de pommes de terre de 1'Ile-du-Prince-Edouard, du Nouveau-Brunswick, de l'Ontario et de l'Alberta qui ont perdu des dèbouches au Canada et aux Etats­Unis. Cette solution pourrait, en effet, paraftre injuste car la modification apportee au regle­ment le 10 avril 1991 ne tenait pas compte de l'interdiction et de la restriction du mouvement des pommes de terre de semence prêvues dans le programme d'eradication du virus PVY".

2.      Modification

du reglement : C'est ce que reclament les producteurs de pommes de terre et le gouvernement de l'Ile­du-Prince-Edouard. En modifiant le regle­ment, on peut reduire considerablement les pertes financieres des producteurs attribua­bles a róradication du virus de la pomme de terre.

Zone de Texte: 5/6/91 Canada Gazette Part II, Vol. 125, No. 12 Gazette du Canada Partie II, Vol. 125, N  °  12 SOR/DORS/91-345 Zone de Texte: 1828 [131Consistency with Regulatory Policy and Citizens' Code

The amended regulations will cover the deficiencies in the previous compensation package concerning grower losses. The principal upon which compensation shall be paid is directly linked to the eradication program for the virus.

Any potato grower who is dissatisfied with the amount of compensation awarded may appeal his/her case to an Assessor in accordance with section 40 of the Plant Protection Act.

Anticipated Impact

Compatibilite avec la Politique de reglementation et le Code du citoyen

La modification du reglement permet de combler les lacunes du programme d'indemnisation precedent en ce qui concerne les pertes des producteurs. Le principe selon lequel on versera des indemnitês est directement lie au programme d'eradication du virus PVY".

Les producteurs insatisfaits de l'indemnite qu'on leur aura accordêe pourront interjeter appel auprês d'un evaluateur, con­formement a l'article 40 de la Loi sur la protection des vige­taux.

Repercussions prevues

Potato Growers:--

There is no negative impact, since the amend­ment will grant authority for the Minister to pay an additional 3.1 million dollars to affected potato growers.

Producteurs de pommes de terre

II n'y aura pas de repercussions negatives, car le reglement modifiê autorise le ministre a verser 3.1 millions de dollars de plus aux producteurs touches.

Zone de Texte: La production contrOlee de compost de pornmes de terre est inoffensive pour l'environnement et constitue, en fait, une methode reconnue de transformation des aches en un produit utile (le compost). Le compostage protege l'environnement, empeche la perte totale des pommes de terre et offre la possibilite de transformer d'autres dechets (sciure de bois) en un produit utile. Zone de Texte: is Gouvernement :--Le coot du programme d'indemnisation passe de 7,9 millions de dollars a 11 millions de dollars. Environment:--Due to the nature of the present crisis on Prince Edward Island, i.e. the need to destroy potatoes that are infected or suspected of being infected with tobacco veinal necrosis strain of potato virus, there are but two disposal options for the Island. The first being mass burial, the second being composting. Feeding potatoes to livestock is not an option due to the risk that not all of the potatoes will be destroyed.

Producing potato compost in a controlled fash­ion is environmentally benign and in fact is an established method of processing waste into a valuable product (compost). Apart from pre­serving the environment, the potatoes are not totally wasted, and the process provides a means of converting other wastes (sawdust) into a valuable product.

Government:--The cost of the compensation package increased from 7.9 to 11 million dollars.

Environnement :--Compte tenu de la nature de la crise actuelle a l'Ile-du-Prince-Edouard, c'est-a-dire de la necessite de detruire les pommes de terre infectêes par la souche du virus Y de la pomme de terre responsable de la necrose des nervures du tabac ou suspectes de cette infection, it n'y a que deux facons possibles d'eliminer les pommes de terre, soit l'enfouissement massif et le compostage. On n'envisage pas de les donner a manger au bétail, car on risquerait ainsi de ne pas tou­tes les detruire.


This regulation amendment is based upon the concerns raised by potato growers in regard to the negative financial implications (disposition costs and loss of markets) of the pro­gram to eradicate, the potato virus.

Compliance Mechanism

A review committee consisting of experts on seed potatoes will review all applications for compensation from affected seed potato growers whose seed potatoes were ordered disposed of by an inspector. The committee will consist of a representa­tive from Agriculture Canada, a Provincial government repre­sentative (Crop Insurance) and a Potato Marketing Board rep­resentative. The committee will ensure that compensation


Le reglement a ete modifie conformement aux preoccupa­tions exprimêes par les producteurs de pommes de terre au sujet des repercussions financieres negatives (cottt de la des­truction des pommes de terre et perte de debouches) du pro­gramme d'eradication du virus de la pomme de terre.

Mecanisme de conformite

Un comite d'examen compose de specialistes de la pomme de terre de semence etudiera touter les demandes d'indemnite presentees par les producteurs de pommes de terre de semence auxquels un inspecteur aura ordonne de se dêfaire de leur pro­duction. Le comitê sera forme d'un representant d'Agriculture

Zone de Texte: 5/6/91 Canada Gazette Part II, Vol. 125, No. 12Zone de Texte: Gazette du Canada Partie II, Vol. 125, N  °  12 SOR/DORS/91-345 Zone de Texte: [14]Zone de Texte: 1829payments are calculated in accordance with the terms and con­ditions stated in the regulation amendment.

Contact Person:

Ms. Diane Coates Milne Director

Plant Protection Division Agriculture Canada

Room 4105, K.W. Neatby Bldg.

960 Carling Avenue Ottawa, Ontario

K1A 006

(613) 995-7900

Canada, d'un representant du gouvernement provincial (Assu­rance-recolte) et d'un representant de l'Office de commerciali­sation des pommes de terre. II veillera a ce que les indemnitês soient calculêes selon les modalites exposêes dans le reglement modifie.


Mme Diane Coates Milne, directrice

Division de la protection des vegetaux

Agriculture Canada

Edifice K. W. Neatby, piece 4105

960, avenue Carling Ottawa (Ontario) KIA 006

(613) 995-7900

QUEEN'S PRINTER FOR CANADA, OTTAWA, 1991                                                IMPRIMEUR DE LA REINE POUR LE CANADA, OTTAWA, 1991


DOCKET:                                          P-65-92

STYLE OF CAUSE:                          James B. Rodd


The Minister of Agriculture

PLACE OF HEARING:                   Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island

DATE OF HEARING:                     November 21 and 22, 2005

REASONS FOR ORDER:                The Honourable Mr. Justice Phelan, Deputy Assessor

DATED:                                             November 30, 2005


Kevin J. Arsenault (agent)                                                         FOR THE APPELLANT

Sandra Doucette                                                                    FOR THE RESPONDENT


N/A                                                                                           FOR THE APPELLANT

JOHN H. SIMS, Q.C.                                                            FOR THE RESPONDENT
Deputy Attorney General of Canada

Ottawa, Ontario

 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.