Federal Court Decisions

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Date: 20031127

Docket: IMM-6312-02

Citation: 2003 FC 1396


                                                             ISABEL PEDRO ADAO


                                                                              - and -

                                THE MINISTER OF CITIZENSHIP & IMMIGRATION


                                                            REASONS FOR ORDER


[1]                 This is a motion by Isabel Pedro Adao, the applicant, for an order staying her removal from Canada which is scheduled for December 18, 2002.

[2]                 The applicant is a citizen of Angola who came to Canada on October 25, 1999 and claimed Convention refugee status on October 27, 2002. The claim was denied on January 24, 2001.

[3]                 The applicant is in a common-law relationship with Francisco Da Silva. The applicant and Mr. Da Silva are the parents of Lolena Pedro Da Silva who was born on February 8, 2002.

[4]                 The applicant's daughter was born with a major congenital anomaly in that her entire bowel organs were outside her body when she was born. According to a medical report dated June 20, 2002, she requires close follow-up at a major children's hospital for the next year or so. According to the applicant's affidavit, her daughter is scheduled to have surgery in October 2003.

[5]                 The applicant's affidavit states that the required medical treatment for her daughter is not available in Angola.

[6]                 The applicant made an application for the Post-Determination Refugee Claimants in Canada ("PDRCC") class under the Immigration Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. I-2, which, under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, S.C. 2001, c. 27 and Regulations became a Pre-Removal Risk Assessment ("PRRA") application.

[7]                 The applicant's PRRA application was refused. The negative PRRA decision and the date of her scheduled removal from Canada was communicated to the applicant on December 5, 2002.

[8]                 The applicant's solicitor, at paragraph 3 of her written representations, states that the June 20, 2002 medical report documenting the applicant's daughter's condition and her treatment needs was submitted in support of the applicant's PRRA application. The PRRA officer states in the "notes to file" that no submissions were received from the applicant. The applicant, in her affidavit, states that her present application is true in fact and law.

[9]                 The applicant, in her affidavit, states that if she is returned to Angola, she will be imprisoned, tortured and killed. The applicant also states that in Angola, her daughter would not have access to the medical care she requires and would be exposed to an unsafe and harmful environment.

[10]            I note that the applicant refers to her return to Angola but the removal order states that she is to be removed to the United States.

[11]            Issue

Should the removal order be stayed?

Analysis and Decision

[12]            In order to grant a stay of the removal order, I must be satisfied that:

1.          The applicant has raised a serious issue to be tried.

2.          The applicant will suffer irreparable harm if removed from Canada.

3.          The balance of convenience favours the applicant.

The applicant must satisfy all three branches of the test (see Toth v. Canada (Minister of Employment and Immigration) (1988), 86 N.R. 302 (F.C.A.)).

[13]            Serious Issue to be Tried

There is a serious issue to be tried and that is whether or not the medical evidence the applicant contends she submitted to support her PRRA application was considered by the PRRA officer.

[14]            Irreparable Harm

The applicant's daughter, who was born in Toronto on February 8, 2002, is suffering from a serious medical condition in that at birth, her bowels were outside her body. Surgery was performed four days after her birth. She requires close and constant medical care and further surgery. Her doctor stated that she requires "close follow-up at a major children's hospital . . .". The applicant states that such care is not available in Angola. In addition, the applicant in her affidavit states that if she was deported back to Angola she "would be imprisoned again as I escaped the first time, and I will certainly be tortured and killed." I am of the opinion that irreparable harm would result to the applicant.

[15]            Balance of Convenience

I am of the view that the balance of convenience favours the applicant. The applicant is not a threat to the public and should removal be necessary in the future, the respondent can take the necessary steps at that time.

[16]            The removal of the applicant from Canada is therefore stayed until the applicant's application for leave for judicial review is denied or if leave is granted, then until the application for judicial review is disposed of by the Court.

             "John A. O'Keefe"             


Ottawa, Ontario

November 27, 2003

                                                    FEDERAL COURT OF CANADA

                                                                 TRIAL DIVISION

                              NAMES OF COUNSEL AND SOLICITORS OF RECORD

DOCKET:                                             IMM-6312-02

STYLE OF CAUSE:                           ISABEL PEDRO ADAO

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PLACE OF HEARING:                     Toronto, Ontario

DATE OF HEARING:                       Monday, December 16, 2002


DATED:                                                Thursday, November 27, 2003


Rose L. Legagneur


Andrea Hammell



Rose L. Legagneur

Toronto, Ontario


Morris Rosenberg, Q.C.

Deputy Attorney General of Canada


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