Federal Court Decisions

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Date: 20030128

Docket: IMM-5331-01

Neutral citation: 2003 FCT 92


                                                                 XIAOZHOU CHEN



                                                  THE MINISTER OF CITIZENSHIP

                                                              AND IMMIGRATION


                                                            REASONS FOR ORDER


[1]                 This judicial review application is dealt with in writing as the applicant, who lives in China, chose not to appoint a solicitor to represent him as stated in my Direction of January 10, 2003.

[2]                 The applicant, through an immigration consultant, applied on August 19, 1999 for permanent residence in Canada in the assisted relative category.

[3]                 On July 17, 2001, Visa Officer Rudover assessed him under the point system and refused his application because his points totalled 63. He needed 65 in the assisted category.

[4]                 Rather than seeking judicial review of that decision as provided in section 82.1(2) of the Immigration Act (the Act), he, again through the immigration consultant, filed a Notice of Appeal to the Immigration and Refugee Board on August 27, 2001.

[5]                 The Appeal Division asked the parties to make submissions on its jurisdiction to hear the appeal. On October 3, 2001, it dismissed the appeal for lack of jurisdiction. In written reasons dated January 4, 2002, it stated it was without jurisdiction because pursuant to section 77 of the Act, "this tribunal only has jurisdiction ... to hear appeals from refusals of sponsored applications for permanent residence made by members of the family class".

[6]                 The applicant seeks judicial review of the Appeal Division's decision.

[7]                 Clearly, the applicant's judicial review application is misconceived. He does not address the question of law decided by the Appeal Division. His arguments are directed to errors said to have been committed by the visa officer. Her decision is not before me. On this ground alone, this judicial review application is dismissed.

[8]                 A second reason for dismissing the judicial review application is that the Appeal Division's decision is clearly right. It is without jurisdiction to hear the applicant's appeal.

[9]                 The Appeal Division can only exercise the jurisdiction which Parliament granted it. Section 77 of the Act is headed "Appeals by Sponsors" as is subsection 77(3) which in its material part reads "a Canadian citizen or permanent resident who has sponsored an application for landing that is refused ... may appeal to the Appeal Division".

[10]            In this case, the applicant was not sponsored and was neither a Canadian citizen nor a permanent resident.

[11]            As I indicated, under the former Immigration Act, the applicant could have attacked the visa officer's decision by filing an application for judicial review directly in this Court. He did not and was badly advised by an immigration consultant, it would seem.

[12]            This judicial review application is dismissed. No certified question arises.


             "François Lemieux"                 



Montreal, Quebec

January 28, 2003

                                                    FEDERAL COURT OF CANADA

                                                                 TRIAL DIVISION

                              NAMES OF COUNSEL AND SOLICITORS OF RECORD


DOCKET:                                             IMM-5331-01

STYLE OF CAUSE:                          

                                                                 XIAOZHOU CHEN



                                                  THE MINISTER OF CITIZENSHIP

                                                              AND IMMIGRATION



PLACE OF HEARING:                     Montreal, Quebec

DATE OF HEARING:                       January 28, 2003


DATED:                                                January 28, 2003



Mr. Jinglian Gui                                                                              FOR THE APPLICANT

(representing Mr. Xiaozhou Chen)

Ms. Jocelyne Murphy                                                                     FOR THE RESPONDENT




Morris Rosenberg                                                                           FOR THE RESPONDENT

Deputy Attorney General of Canada

Montreal, Quebec


                                                                 FEDERAL COURT OF CANADA

                                                                              TRIAL DIVISION


Date: 20030128

Docket: IMM-5331-01


                                                                              XIAOZHOU CHEN



                                                               THE MINISTER OF CITIZENSHIP

                                                                           AND IMMIGRATION



                                                                         REASONS FOR ORDER



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