Federal Court Decisions

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Date: 20031210


Citation: 2003 FC 1448

Ottawa, Ontario, this 10th day of December, 2003

Present: The Honourable Mr. Justice von Finckenstein


                                                                 KARIFALA KABA


                                                                              - and -



                                               REASONS FOR ORDER AND ORDER

(Delivered orally from the bench, but written and

edited for clarity and precision)

[1]                 This application is styled as an application for leave to commence judicial review of the decision of the Immigration and Refugee Board ("Board") dated December 5, 2003. In that decision the Board released the applicant from detention subject to him: a) voluntarily leaving the country by December 29, 2003 and b) tendering a non refundable ticket to Guinea by December10, 2003. The applicant also seeks a stay of the Board's decision and an order that the respondent return his passport before he is required to tender the ticket to Guinea.

[2]                 What is clear from affidavits on the record is that the applicant submitted his Guinean passport to the Department of Citizenship and Immigration Canada ("CIC") at the time of his arrival in Canada and that it cannot now be found. CIC has obtained in lieu thereof travel documents which will allow him to leave Canada and to travel to Guinea. The applicant has indicated that he is willing to fulfill both conditions of the December 5 decision, however, he would like to be given back his passport before he deposits the ticket as required by the order.

[3]                 The applicant asserts that it is unfair to require him to provide a return ticket without him first getting his passport back. I don't see how this amounts to an issue to be tried which would warrant either the granting of a stay or the granting of leave to seek judicial review. The issues of stay/leave and return of passport two entirely different issues.

[4]                 The applicant wants his passport back and he is trying to use the inability of CIC to obtain what amounts to, in effect, a variation of the order of the Board. He may well be able to seek damages from CIC as a result of the loss of his passport. However, this is not relevant to the Board's decision of December 5, 2003, and I see no reason to grant either a stay of the Board's decision or leave to seek judicial review, on the basis of CIC's failure to return his passport.

[5]                 This application is accordingly dismissed.



This application is dismissed for the reasons stated.                                                            



                                                                 FEDERAL COURT

                              NAMES OF COUNSEL AND SOLICITORS OF RECORD

DOCKET:                                                                                     IMM-9676-03

STYLE OF CAUSE:                                                                  KARIFALA KABA


                                                                                                     THE MINISTER OF CITIZENSHIP AND IMMIGRATION


PLACE OF HEARING:                                                             OTTAWA, ONTARIO

DATE OF HEARING:                                                               DECEMBER 9, 2003

REASONS FOR ORDER AND ORDER :                          von FINCKENSTEIN J.

DATED:                                                                                        DECEMBER 10, 2003


Idorenyin E. Amana


Marie Nicole Moreau                                                                  FOR RESPONDENT


Idorenyin E. Amana

Montreal, Quebec                                                                          FOR APPLICANT

Morris Rosenberg

Deputy Attorney General of Canada     FOR RESPONDENT

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